Himalayan Pink Salt

Himalayan salt is the purest, most beneficial, and contaminant-free salt found on Earth. Located under the foothills of the Himalayas, PAKISTAN. It was formed millions of years ago and was discovered by the troops of Alexander the Great in 320 BC. C. Due to its purity and presence of 84 minerals, its use is highly recommended since, unlike common sea salt.
Sheltered from the ages under the monolithic mountain range of Pakistan, Himalayan pink salt has become one of the most popular artisan salts on the market for its pure, simple taste and extraordinary color. The variable shades of soft pink, pale pink to deep and robust pink are the result of trace elements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and, above all, iron, etc.

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Himalayan Pink Salt


Benefits of Himalayan Salt

Himalayan Salt is rich in 84 trace minerals. Its chemical composition is almost the same as that of the human body. This is why pink Himalayan salt has several health and wellness benefits.

Specifications & Use


Nutritional Value Of Himalayan Pink Salt

Himalayan salt contains all 84 natural elements found in the human body. To this we owe the amount of benefits for human health.

It is very rich in minerals with traces of elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium, etc. Himalayan crystalline salt is pink in color due to the presence of iron and other trace amounts of natural minerals.


Why is pink salt the purest?

Himalayan Salt is the purest natural rock salt, gluten-free, GMO-free, irradiation-free, and cholesterol-free.
Himalayan salt is quite different from salt found elsewhere. For one thing, it’s exceptionally beautiful – it has a light pinkish or reddish tint, and under a microscope, the crystals within the salt form superbly perfect geometric patterns. Himalayan salt, when left raw and in its natural state, is rich in nutrients and minerals. Since many of these elements found within each grain of pink salt occur naturally within us and in the environment, they are easily absorbed and used at the cellular level. Himalayan pink salt remineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential for our health and well-being.

Whereas conventional salt / sea salt, which many have at home, is salt that has been chemically purified and its end result is sodium chlorine. This is an artificial chemical that our body rejects completely because it does not recognize it as a nutrient and therefore does not provide us with any healthy benefits.

We must also bear in mind that many of the processed foods such as cans, preserves, smoked foods, snacks contain this type of harmful salt inside.

It is easy to understand that, depending on the state of pollution of our oceans today, this salt is not as healthy as many think.

Currently, the sea has become a toxic landfill and garbage dump, etc.