These lamps are made with pure Himalayan salt Blocks which is only mined from salt mines located in Pakistan. So, lamps that are made with original and natural Himalayan pink salt are the authentic Himalayan salt lamps.

Decoration Piece

A natural hand-carved Himalayan salt lamp is a unique decoration piece that can décor any place in seconds. Their charming warm amber glow is enough to create a soothing atmosphere around you. These chiseled lamps can make your place very appealing.

These salt lamps are so versatile that they can adjust to any décor theme. The placement of Himalayan salt is very easy. You can place them in any Indoor Place in Home & Office.


Air Purifier

A 100% Natural Himalayan salt lamp also said to provide many other benefits as well. These lamps are known for their air-purifying properties. These are made with pure Himalayan salt which is hygroscopic in nature.

When you light up the lamp, it attracts the water molecules from the air along with bacteria and dust. The heat of the lamp evaporates the water but the foreign particles remain on the surface of the lamp. This process helps in cleaning the air. This air cleaning property of Himalayan salt lamps makes them useful for your home.


Neutralize Air

These Salt Lamps are also said to release the negative ions that are known for their beneficial nature. These negative ions emits from Himalayan Salt Lamp neutralize the air from harmful positive ions or electromagnetic pollution caused by electronics around us.


Other Properties of Himalayan Salt Lamps

These lamps are said to offer many health and wellness benefits as well. Due to their air-purifying property, they help to ease many respiratory conditions such as pollen allergy, cold, and cough.


All these properties make Himalayan salt lamps different from other types of table lamps available in the market. By choosing the quality Pink salt lamp for your place, you can avail all these benefits explained above

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